Dog and cat standing in a green field with yellow flowers

Welcome to the ShelterMedPortal,

Your Gateway to Professional Growth in Animal Sheltering!

Free #ThankstoMaddie and the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge.

Shelter Learniverse Has a New Home

At the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, we’re dedicated to supporting you in your work within the animal sheltering industry. As part of the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge, we proudly re-introduce the Shelter Learniverse in its new home –

Explore our new home and discover how we can assist you in your work and career.

Shelter Care Specialist Certification

The Koret Shelter Medicine Program recognizes the profound Access to Care challenges faced by animal shelters across the nation. To bridge this gap, we are excited to introduce our new certification program aimed at elevating the expertise and readiness of frontline shelter team members. Our Shelter Care Specialist Certification Program is designed to address the challenges associated with access to care in shelters by empowering shelter staff with comprehensive training that extends to medical care, best practices in shelter operations, animal shelter population management, and behavior, training and enrichment for animals in shelters.

Introducing our Shelter Care Specialist Certification Program: a game-changing professional development program for shelter team members. Elevate your professional skills and credentials, positioning yourself for a fulfilling career in animal welfare. Learn more now!

Self-Paced, On-Demand Learning

Learn what you want, where you want, when you want.  Check out our bite-sized, self-paced, on-demand learning options to help you level up in your current job and prepare for future opportunities in the animal welfare industry. Dive in now!

Shelter Industry Events Calendar

Go to the animal sheltering's most-used calendar of upcoming in-person and online events from across the industry.

Shelter Medicine Resource Library

Visit's resource library for answers to your shelter medicine questions.

Black and white cat peeks through a portal between two stainless steel cage compartments

Visit for more information about the programs and services offered by the Koret Shelter Medicine Program at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

Recently Announced Upcoming Industry Events

Maddie's Monthly Foster Connection

Online Event – 4/3/25 – Maddie’s Monthly Foster Connection: Caring for Cats – Maddie’s Fund

Maddie’s Fund Presents: In this presentation, Stephanie will share insights on how she got the dog foster program off the ground, built a thriving online community, and engaged foster caregivers. She’ll dive into the impact of their field trip program, provide practical tips on fostering engagement within your online groups and discuss how she works foster care into the shelter’s communications regularly. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow, you’ll leave with actionable strategies to boost your canine foster program!

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My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025: Why Pets? Why Now? The Urgency of Inclusion

Online Conference – 3/25/25 to 3/27/25 – My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025: Why Pets? Why Now? The Urgency of Inclusion – My Dog Is My Home (fee applies)

My Dog Is My Home Presents (fee applies): Join us for the My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025. This virtual convening brings advocates and practitioners together from across fields to answer the questions of “why pets?” and “why now?” during a time of relative scarcity. Explore solutions for ending homelessness for people and their animals.

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My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025: Why Pets? Why Now? The Urgency of Inclusion

Online Conference – 3/25/25 to 3/27/25 – My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025: Why Pets? Why Now? The Urgency of Inclusion – My Dog Is My Home (fee applies)

My Dog Is My Home Presents (fee applies): Join us for the My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025. This virtual convening brings advocates and practitioners together from across fields to answer the questions of “why pets?” and “why now?” during a time of relative scarcity. Explore solutions for ending homelessness for people and their animals.

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My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025: Why Pets? Why Now? The Urgency of Inclusion

Online Conference – 3/25/25 to 3/27/25 – My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025: Why Pets? Why Now? The Urgency of Inclusion – My Dog Is My Home (fee applies)

My Dog Is My Home Presents (fee applies): Join us for the My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025. This virtual convening brings advocates and practitioners together from across fields to answer the questions of “why pets?” and “why now?” during a time of relative scarcity. Explore solutions for ending homelessness for people and their animals.

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California Adopt-a-Pet Day: Strategies for Success!

Webinar – 4/3/25 – California Adopt-a-Pet Day: Strategies for Success! – CalAnimals

CalAnimals Presents: Join us for this informative session where leaders from Ventura County Animal Services and Woods Humane Society will share their strategies for success. You’ll hear how they do their promotions, ramp up volunteer support, prepare staff, orchestrate the large number of adoptions, and ensure that as many animals as possible are ready to go. You’ll also learn about the great resources available to assist by our promotions expert from the ASPCA.

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